Safe Payment

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Safe Payment

Posted on : by : cmsadmin

Safe payment:

At Bahique  your satisfaction and confidence is our main priority.  Because to this we provide our customers with multiple ways of doing an online payment.

Next to the familiar  ways of paying via Paypal, Visa and MasterCard we also give our clients the possibility to do payment trough Mollie.

Safe payments for you and us is very important. That is why we are well secured and safe. In collaboration with Mollie, specialized in online payments, we ensure that all payments go through a total secure environment.


Statement of Mollie:

Mollie certified Collecting Payment Service Provider Currence

Mollie has the certification process Currence successfully completed and the certificate of Currence to offer as Collecting Payment Service Provider (CPSP). IDEAL This means that Mollie meets all requirements Currence. Think requirements regarding technology (stability and security of the platform), the extent to which internal processes are under control, and if we have enough information about iDEAL our customers.

It is in our opinion a good thing that Currence, and the Dutch Central Bank has started to interfere with CPSP’s more. Indeed, it is important that your payments are reliably handled and that this is also regulated by external parties so that consumers continue to have confidence in iDEAL as a payment product.


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